The Sensex is now up 200 points at 12,075. The index had opened with a positive gap of 89 points at 11,963, and zoomed to a high of 12,145.Tata Steel has surged 5.4% to Rs 604. Hero Honda has zoomed 4% to Rs 883, and Tata Motors has rallied 1.8% to Rs 947.ITC has soared 3.5% to Rs 201. ONGC has advanced over 3% to Rs 1,405, and Reliance has gained 2.5% at Rs 1,069.Larsen & Toubro has moved up nearly 3% to Rs 2,703. Ranbaxy, Reliance Energy and Infosys are the other major gainers among the Sensex stocks.HDFC Bank has dropped 1.7% to Rs 833.Out of 2,446 stocks traded so far, 1,938 have advanced, 455 have declined and 53 are unchanged.