The Sensex is now up 203 points at 16,767.Reliance Energy has zoomed 8.7% to Rs 1,098. NTPC has soared 4.8% to Rs 196, and Maruti has surged 4.3% to Rs 970.ICICI Bank and Reliance Communications have rallied 2.8% each to Rs 992 and Rs 595, respectively. Larsen & Toubro has gained 2.5% at Rs 2,853.Hindustan Unilever, BHEL and Reliance have advanced over 2% each to Rs 223, Rs 2,007 and Rs 2,321, respectively.Bharti Airtel has advanced 1.7% to Rs 934. SBI and Mahindra & Mahindra have added 1.5% each to Rs 1,837 and Rs 783, respectively.Infosys has dropped nearly 3% to Rs 1,769. Ambuja Cements and Satyam have shed 2% each to Rs 144 and Rs 411, respectively.ITC has declined 1.8% to Rs 187.Out of 2,783 stocks traded so far, 1,404 have declined, 1,320 have advanced and 59 are unchanged.