The Sensex is now up 216 points at 13,836.Satyam has soared 6.3% to Rs 476. HDFC and Reliance Communications have surged around 4% each to Rs 1,627 and Rs 452, respectively.Tata Steel has rallied 3.5% to Rs 523. Reliance, ONGC and Gujarat Ambuja have advanced around 2.5% each to Rs 1,530, Rs 917 and Rs 116, respectively.Bharti Aitel, HDFC Bank, Tata Motors, BHEL, TCS, Reliance Energy, Grasim, Infosys, Larsen & Toubro, Hindalco, ITC, Dr.Reddy's and ACC are up around 1-2% each.Wipro and Cipla are the sole stocks in negative territory. Wipro had soared to a high of Rs 600, but is now down Rs 2 at Rs 577.Out of 2,489 stocks traded so far, 1,531 have advanced, 887 have declined and 71 are unchanged.