The Sensex is now up 218 points at 14,207.ITC has zoomed nearly 4% to Rs 158. BHEL has soared 3% to Rs 1,638.Tata Steel has surged 2.7% to Rs 561, and Mahindra & Mahindra has gained 2.5% at Rs 627.Bharti Airtel and Maruti have rallied 2.2% each to Rs 831 and Rs 785, respectively.Ambuja Cements and ONGC have moved up 2% each to Rs 129 and Rs 805, respectively.Reliance Energy and Reliance Communications have advanced 1.7% each to Rs 704 and Rs 492, respectively.Hindustan Unilever, Hindalco and Reliance are up around 1.5% each.Cipla has plunged 4.5% to Rs 169. Wipro has slipped 1.5% to Rs 440, and Tata Motors has declined 1% to Rs 627.The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,506 stocks traded so far, 1,637 have declined, 827 have advanced and 42 are unchanged.