The Sensex is now up 21 points at 13,070.Gujarat Ambuja has soared nearly 4% to Rs 117. Maruti has rallied 2.7% to Rs 815.SBI and Tata Steel have advanced over 2% each to Rs 1,022 and Rs 436, respectively. ITC, HDFC Bank and HLL have gained around 1.5% each to Rs 162, Rs 988 and Rs 187, respectively.Tata Motors, Larsen & Toubro and ICICI Bank are the other major gainers.BHEL has shed 2.5% to Rs 2,122. Cipla has slipped 1% to Rs 234.The market breadth is positive - out of 1,866 stocks traded so far, 1,258 have advanced, 574 have declined and 34 are unchanged.