The Sensex is now up 232 points at 20,162.ONGC has soared 3.5% to Rs 1,237, and Bharti Airtel has surged 3.3% to Rs 1,002.Reliance, Hindalco, HDFC and Grasim have rallied over 2% each to Rs 2,883, Rs 197, Rs 2,931 and Rs 3,687, respectively.ACC and Maruti have moved up 1.7% each to Rs 1,081 and Rs 1,062, respectively.SBI, BHEL and Cipla have advanced 1.4% each to Rs 2,459, Rs 2,715 and Rs 196, respectively.Bajaj Auto, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have gained 1.3% each at Rs 2,748, Rs 1,715 and Rs 1,290, respectively.Infosys has slipped nearly 2% to Rs 1,716.Out of 2,785 stocks traded so far, 2,205 have advanced, 545 have declined and the rest are unchanged.