The Sensex is now up 235 points at 16,479.Infosys has soared 4.6% to Rs 1,674, and Wipro has surged 3.7% to Rs 464.HDFC Bank, Hindalco and DLF have rallied around 3.5% each to Rs 1,351, Rs 183 and Rs 643, respectively.Tata Steel, Satyam, ICICI Bank and HDFC have gained 2.8% each at Rs 710, Rs 467, Rs 838 and Rs 2,448, respectively.TCS and SBI are up around 2% each at Rs 995 and Rs 1,696, respectively. ACC has slipped 1.3% at Rs 796, and Hindustan Unilever has shed 1% at Rs 239.Out of 2,617 stocks traded so far, 1,916 have advanced, 640 have declined and 61 are unchanged.