The Sensex is now up 241 points at 12,656.Tata Motors and Satyam have rallied nearly 4% each to Rs 764 and Rs 429, respectively. Wipro and ICICI Bank have surged around 3.5% each to Rs 556 and Rs 850, respectively.BHEL, Maruti, Reliance Communications and Infosys have advanced over 3% each to Rs 2,073, Rs 804, Rs 411 and Rs 2,065, respectively.Dr.Reddy's and Ranbaxy have gained 2.8% each at Rs 636 and Rs 330, respectively.Hindalco has shed 1.6% to Rs 132. Hero Honda and HDFC Bank have declined around 1% each to Rs 676 and Rs 921, respectively.The market breadth is extremely positive - out of 1,916 stocks traded so far, 1,332 have advanced, 551 have declined and the rest are unchanged.