The Sensex is now up 253 points at 14,242.Tata Steel, ITC, BHEL and Bharti Airtel have soared around 4% each to Rs 569, Rs 159, Rs 1,653 and Rs 845, respectively.Reliance Energy and Mahindra & Mahindra have rallied around 3% to Rs 713 and Rs 629, respectively. Hindalco, ONGC and Larsen & Toubro have advanced around 2.5% each to Rs 140, Rs 809 and Rs 2,364, respectively.Ambuja Cements and Reliance Communications are up over 2% each.Tata Motors has dropped over 2% to Rs 620. Cipla is down 1.3% at Rs 175.Out of 2,651 stocks traded so far, 1,639 have declined, 979 have advanced and 33 are unchanged.