The Sensex is now up 258 points at 16,866.The NSE Nifty has moved up 60 points to 4,898.Reliance has zoomed nearly 5% to Rs 2,437. HDFC Bank has soared over 4% to Rs 1,458.Tata Steel and HDFC have surged around 3.5% each to Rs 736 and Rs 2,712, respectively.BHEL and ITC have rallied around 3% each to Rs 1,936 and Rs 190, respectively. ACC has moved up 2.6% to Rs 737.ICICI Bank and Tata Motors are up over 2% each to Rs 1,088 and Rs 708, respectively.Wipro has plunged 3% to Rs 409, and Cipla has shed 2.6% at Rs 182.Hindustan Unilever, Reliance Communications and Bajaj Auto have slipped 1.3% each to Rs 191, Rs 568 and Rs 2,045, respectively.Infosys is down over 1% at Rs 1,529.The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,609 stocks traded so far, 1,685 have declined, 879 have advanced and 45 are unchanged.