The Sensex is now up 264 points at 15,621.DLF has zoomed over 6% to Rs 644. Jaiprakash (JP) Associates has soared 5.5% to Rs 231.Satyam and Hindalco have surged around 4% each to Rs 378 and Rs 181, respectively.Tata Steel, ICICI Bank and Larsen & Toubro have rallied around 4% each to Rs 719, Rs 863 and Rs 2,885, respectively.NTPC, Reliance, Infosys and ITC have moved up around 2.5% each to Rs 192, Rs 2,295, Rs 1,365 and Rs 190, respectively.SBI and Reliance Energy are up 1.7% each to Rs 1,725 and Rs 1,217, respectively.Bharti Airtel and Mahindra & Mahindra have dropped around 3.5% each to Rs 751 and Rs 639, respectively.Maruti has slipped over 3% to Rs 813. Ambuja Cements is down over 1% to Rs 119.Out of 2,626 stocks traded so far, 1,475 have declined, 1,087 have advanced and 64 are unchanged.