The Sensex opened 59 points higher at 18,199, but soon slipped into the negative zone to a low of 18,057. The index has rebounded into the positive zone and is now up 26 points at 18,165.The NSE Nifty is up five points at 5,328.Bharti Airtel has dropped 2% to Rs 883. TCS and Cipla have shed 1.5% each at Rs 886 and Rs 199, respectively.ONGC and Hindustan Unilever have slipped 1.3% each to Rs 1,013 and Rs 202, respectively.Wipro and Bajaj Auto are down over 1% each at Rs 420 and Rs 2,313, respectively.Reliance Energy, Grasim and ACC have moved up 1.3% each to Rs 2,085, Rs 2,929 and Rs 775, respectively.Tata Motors and NTPC have gained 1% each at Rs 743 and Rs 220, respectively.