The Sensex is now up 272 points at 13,386.Satyam has zoomed 7.5% to Rs 479. Wipro and TCS have soared 5% each to Rs 567 and Rs 1,258, respectively. Infosys has gained 2.3% at Rs 2,091.Bajaj Auto has rallied 3.6% to Rs 2,434. Reliance Communications, SBI and ICICI Bank have surged around 3% each to Rs 423, Rs 998 and Rs 873, respectively.ACC, Tata Steel and Hero Honda have moved up up 2.7% each to Rs 746, Rs 509 and Rs 645, respectively.NTPC and ITC have dropped 1.5% each to Rs 157 and Rs 154, respectively.Out of 2,597 stocks traded so far, 1,580 have advanced, 930 have declined and 87 are unchanged.