The Sensex slipped into red to a low of 13,381, but soon bounced back and is now up 27 points at 13,426.Infosys and TCS have advanced over 2% each to Rs 2,207 and Rs 1,097, respectively. Satyam has spurted 1.3% to Rs 431.ICICI Bank has rallied 1.5% to Rs 853.HLL has dropped 2.5% to Rs 246. NTPC has slipped 2.2% to Rs 135, and Hindalco has shed 1.8% to Rs 179.Reliance Communications, Tata Motors and Cipla are down nearly 1.5% each to Rs 398, Rs 822 and Rs 265, respectively.Bajaj Auto and Tata Steel are down around 1% each at Rs 2,566 and Rs 493, respectively.The market breadth is fairly negative - out of 2,371 stocks traded so far, 1,395 have declined, 899 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.