The Sensex is now up 285 points at 19,001.Reliance Communications has zoomed 6% to Rs 781. Tata Steel has soared 3.5% to Rs 899.Hindalco, Ranbaxy, Reliance and NTPC have surged around 3% each to Rs 205, Rs 434, Rs 2,778 and Rs 227, respectively.Reliance Energy has rallied 2.8% to Rs 1,812. Cipla, BHEL, Dr.Reddy's and Larsen & Toubro have gained over 2% each to Rs 184, Rs 2,332, Rs 619 and Rs 3,356, respectively.ONGC and Maruti have moved up 1.5% each to Rs 1,148 and Rs 1,192, respectively.Grasim, ITC, Mahindra & Mahindra, ACC and Satyam are up over 1% each.ICICI Bank has plunged 3% to Rs 1,084. Bharti Airtel has slipped over 2% to Rs 1,080.HDFC Bank has declined 1.5% to Rs 1,438, and TCS is down 1% at Rs 1,085.The market breadth is fairly positive - out of 2,484 stocks traded so far, 1,918 have advanced, 510 have declined and 56 are unchanged.