The Sensex is now up 31 points at 14,111.Tata Steel has surged 1.6% to Rs 599. Larsen & Toubro has rallied 1.5% to Rs 1,955.Tata Motors, ICICI Bank, ONGC, Reliance and HDFC Bank have advanced around 1% each to Rs 653, Rs 927, Rs 898, Rs 1,687 and Rs 1,098, respectively.Technology stocks have slipped deeper into red. Infosys, Satyam and Wipro have slipped 2% each to Rs 1,950, Rs 467 and Rs 513, respectively. TCS has shed 1.6% to Rs 1,148.HDFC and Reliance Energy are down 1% each at Rs 1,743 and Rs 525, respectively.Out of 2,433 stocks traded so far, 1,190 have advanced, 1,154 have declined and 89 are unchanged.