The Sensex is now up 374 points at 20,304.Bharti Airtel has zoomed 7% to Rs 1,038. HDFC Bank has soared over 4% to Rs 1,765.ONGC has surged 3.7% to Rs 1,239. ICICI Bank and Bajaj Auto have rallied around 3% each to Rs 1,313 and Rs 2,789, respectively.Maruti, HDFC and Grasim have gained 2.6% each to Rs 1,073, Rs 2,947 and Rs 3,706, respectively.Reliance and Hindalco have advanced over 2% each to Rs 2,883 and Rs 197, respectively. Hindustan Unilever has added 1.7% to Rs 209.Out of 2,907 stocks traded so far, 2,000 have advanced, 871 have declined and 36 are unchanged.