The Sensex is now up 384 points at 15,317.Infosys has zoomed nearly 5% to Rs 1,970. Wipro, TCS and Satyam have soared around 4% each to Rs 478, Rs 1,153 and Rs 481, respectively.HDFC has rallied 4.5% to Rs 2,061. HDFC Bank has surged over 4% to Rs 1,190.Ranbaxy and Reliance have moved up 3.7% each to Rs 383 and Rs 1,873, respectively.ACC and NTPC have added 3.5% each to Rs 1,021 and Rs 173, respectively. Hindalco has advanced 3.3% to Rs 162.Grasim and BHEL are up around 2.5% each at Rs 2,992 adn Rs 162, respectively.Out of 2,688 stocks traded so far, 2,015 have advanced, 618 have declined and 55 are unchanged.