The Sensex is now up 398 points at 17,727.Infosys has zoomed 5.4% to Rs 1,995. NTPC has soared over 4% to Rs 215.HDFC, Reliance, Reliance Communications and BHEL have surged over 3.5% each to Rs 2,600, Rs 2,373, Rs 634 and Rs 2,060, respectively.TCS has gained 3.3% at Rs 1,073. ONGC, Larsen & Toubro and Hindalco have moved up around 2.5% each to Rs 1,023, Rs 2,882 and Rs 177, respectively.Cipla has slipped nearly 2% to Rs 185, and Ambuja Cements has shed 1.7% at Rs 145.Dr.Reddy's and Ranbaxy are down around 1.5% each at Rs 649 and Rs 435, respectively.Out of 2,836 stocks traded so far, 1,762 have declined, 1,021 have advanced and 53 are unchanged.