The Sensex is now up 42 points at 12,260.ICICI Bank and SBI have advanced over 3% each to Rs 642 and Rs 966, respectively. HDFC Bank has added 2.4% to Rs 870.Gujarat Ambuja has gained 3% at Rs 126. Bharti Tele and Satyam are up nearly 3% each at Rs 420 and Rs 772, respectively.Hindalco has shed 2.4% to Rs 230. HDFC and Dr.Reddy's are down nearly 2% each at Rs 1,282 and Rs 1,652, respectively.Grasim, Larsen & Toubro and Ranbaxy have dropped 1.5% each to Rs 2,431, Rs 2,690 and Rs 514, respectively.Out of 2,588 stocks traded so far, 1,436 have advanced, 1,087 have declined and 65 are unchanged.