The Sensex opened above the 7,800-mark with a huge positive gap of 54 points at 7,810. After edging higher to touch a high of 7,826, the index pared gains to touch a low of 7,784. It is now up 44 points at 7,800 on strong gains in Reliance and other select heavyweights, while mixed trend is seen in cement, auto and pharma pivotals. Reliance has advanced 2.27% (Rs 16) to Rs 730. While ITC is up a per cent (Rs 12) at Rs 1,726, HLL is marginally up at Rs 169.BHEL has jumped 2.85% (Rs 29) to Rs 1,050, and Hindalco has added 1.38% (Rs 18) to Rs 1,330. HDFC, however, has declined 1.43% (Rs 13) to Rs 913.TCS and Wipro are up a per cent each at Rs 1,312 and Rs 735, respectively.While SBI is up with steady gains at Rs 814, ICICI Bank has slipped a per cent (Rs 4) to Rs 513.