The Sensex has bounced into the positive zone and is now up 44 points at 10,553.The cement stocks are witnessing aggressive buying. Gujarat Ambuja has soared nearly 7% to Rs 98.40. ACC has surged 4.3% to Rs 744, and Grasim is up 4% at Rs 1,880.SBI and Dr.Reddy's have advanced nearly 2% each to Rs 904 and Rs 1,327, respectively.ICICI Bank, Tata Steel, Infosys, Satyam and NTPC have advanced over 1% each to Rs 599, Rs 450, Rs 2,832, Rs 786 and Rs 136, respectively.Bharti Tele and Ranbaxy have declined 3% each to Rs 380 and Rs 419, respectively.Hero Honda has slipped over 2% to Rs 881. Maruti is down nearly 2% at Rs 867.Cipla and HDFC are down 1.5% each at Rs 576 and Rs 1,273, respectively.Out of 2,544 stocks traded so far, 1,488 have declined, 991 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.