The Sensex scaled a new high all-time intra-day high of 10,296, and is now up 47 points at 10,271.Larsen & Toubro has rallied 2.3% to Rs 2,358. HDFC has added 1.6% to Rs 1,398.While ITC has surged 1.7% to Rs 166, HLL has moved up 1.4% to Rs 245.Tata Steel and Reliance Energy have gained 1% each at Rs 416 and Rs 613, respectively.Dr.Reddy's has shed 1.7% to Rs 1,335. HDFC and Ranbaxy are down 1% each at Rs 719 and Rs 458, respectively.The market breadth is marginally positive. Out of 1,635 stocks traded so far, 873 have moved up, 715 have slipped and 47 are unchanged.