The Sensex is now up 55 points at 17,706.Reliance Energy has soared 3.7% to Rs 1,682.Grasim has surged 3.3% to Rs 2,991, and ACC has advanced 1.5% to Rs 831.BHEL and HDFC Bank have rallied over 2% each to Rs 2,132 and Rs 1,452, respectively.Infosys and Mahindra & Mahindra have moved up 1.4% each to Rs 1,635 and Rs 637, respectively. ONGC is up over 1% at Rs 1,025.Bharti Airtel and Satyam have slipped over 1% each to Rs 841 and Rs 445, respectively.Out of 2,687 stocks traded so far, 1,618 have advanced, 993 have declined and 76 are unchanged.