The Sensex is now up 55 points at 15,477.Reliance Energy has zoomed 6% to Rs 825, and Cipla has soared 5% to Rs 181.Grasim has surged nearly 3% to Rs 3,020. HDFC has rallied 2.5% to Rs 2,050.TCS and Larsen & Toubro have advanced 1.7% each to Rs 1,077 and Rs 2,630, respectively. ACC, Infosys and Ranbaxy have moved up around 1.5% each to Rs 1,087, Rs 1,889 and Rs 402, respectively.Tata Motors has dropped 2.5% to Rs 686. Hindalco and NTPC,have slipped 1.6% each to Rs 158 and Rs 182, respectively.Wipro and Bajaj Auto have shed 1.3% each to Rs 469 and Rs 2,291, respectively.ITC, Bharti Airtel, BHEL and Tata Steel are down around 1% each.Out of 2,744 stocks traded so far, 1,733 have advanced, 946 have declined and 65 are unchanged.