The Sensex is now up 58 points at 13,761.NTPC has rallied 3.3% to Rs 155. Gujarat Ambuja has gained 2.5% at Rs 142.Bharti and ACC have surged 2% each to Rs 629 and Rs 1,094, respectively.Wipro has advanced 1.5% to Rs 599. Hindalco, SBI, ITC, Bajaj Auto and Reliance Communications are up around 1% each at Rs 180, Rs 1,270, Rs 181, Rs 2,660 and Rs 428, respectively.Dr.Reddy's and HLL have slipped over 1% each to Rs 746 and Rs 241, respectively. Out of 2,551 stocks traded so far, 1,489 have advanced, 988 have declined and the rest are unchanged.