The Sensex is now up 61 points 13,990.SBI has soared nearly 4% to Rs 1,274. HDFC Bank has advanced over 2% to Rs 1,033, and ICICI Bank has added 1.6% to Rs 901.Reliance Communications has rallied nearly 3% to Rs 489. BHEL and Hindalco have surged 2.5% each to Rs 2,581 and Rs 149, respectively.HLL has moved up 1.7% to Rs 196. Dr.Reddy's is up over 1% at Rs 665.Hero Honda has dropped nearly 3% to Rs 678. TCS and Infosys have shed 1.7% each to Rs 1,216 and Rs 1,941, respectively.Gujarat Ambuja and Maruti are down around 1% each at Rs 122 and Rs 798, respectively.Out of 2,602 stocks traded so far, 1,509 have advanced, 1,016 have declined and 77 are unchanged.