The Sensex is now up 628 points at 19,790.Wipro has zoomed 9.6% to Rs 539. Infosys has soared 6% to Rs 1,801. TCS has surged 5.4% to Rs 1,102, and Satyam has gained 5.2% at Rs 450.HDFC has soared over 6% to Rs 2,893. Tata Steel and Bharti Airtel have rallied nearly 5% each to Rs 865 and Rs 958, respectively.Reliance Energy, Mahindra & Mahindra, BHEL and ONGC have advanced around 4.5% each to Rs 2,029, Rs 821, Rs 2,473 and Rs 1,243, respectively.ICICI Bank has advanced over 4% to Rs 1,205. SBI and Tata Motors have added 2.7% each to Rs 2,326 and Rs 730, respectively.Reliance, HDFC Bank and NTPC are up 2.5% each at Rs 2,782, Rs 1,687 and Rs 235, respectively.Out of 2,923 stocks traded so far, 2,005 have advanced, 879 have declined and 39 are unchanged.