The Sensex is now up 64 points at 9,132.L&T has moved up over 3% (Rs 51) to Rs 1,758.Bajaj has gained over 2% (Rs 46) to Rs 2,128. Tata Motors is still up Rs 13 at Rs 589.HDFC has moved up over 2% (Rs 23) to Rs 1,134.ONGC has advanced over 2% (Rs 23) to Rs 1,150. SBI has gained Rs 11 to Rs 909. Reliance is now up Rs 3 at Rs 867.TCS has dropped over 2% (Rs 35) to Rs 1,651. While Satyam is down Rs 4 at Rs 669, Wipro is down a rupee at Rs 440.Suzlon has zoomed 4.6% (Rs 41) to Rs 931. Pidilite has gained 3.9% to Rs 81. BASF has moved up 3% (Rs 8) to Rs 254. FDC, RCF and Geometric are also trading with gains.