The Sensex is now up 65 points at 13,348.NTPC has surged 4.7% to Rs 137. HDFC, Reliance Energy and Reliance Communications have rallied 2.7% each to Rs 1,536, Rs 535 and Rs 402, respectively.Bharti Airtel and Gujarat Ambuja have gained around 1.5% each at Rs 552 and Rs 136, respectively. Tata Motors is up 1% at Rs 827.Hero Honda has slipped 1.7% to Rs 713. Hindalco has dropped 1.5% to Rs 181.ONGC and Tata Steel are down 1% each at Rs 869 and Rs 498, respectively.Out of 2,565 stocks traded so far, 1,475 have advanced, 1,018 have declined and the rest are unchanged.