The Sensex has moved up 66 points to 8,889.Reliance Energy has advanced over 3% (Rs 19) to Rs 622. ONGC is still up 3% (Rs 30) at Rs 1,054. Infosys is now up 1.4% (Rs 38) at Rs 2,825. Satyam has gained Rs 11 to Rs 662. TCS is still up over 2% (Rs 33) at Rs 1,561. Wipro is steady at Rs 430 - up Rs 7.ACC has moved into positive zone, and is up Rs 4 at Rs 528. L&T, Hero Honda, Tata Motors, Dr. Reddy's, Cipla and Ranbaxy are trading with gains.Advances have moved ahead of declines - out of 2,416 scrips traded, 1,236 have moved up, 1,097 have declined and 83 are unchanged.DSP Merrill Lynch has zoomed over 8% (Rs 129) to Rs 1,802. Merck has gained over 6% (Rs 30) to Rs 527.