The Sensex is now up 69 points at 15,619.Bharti Airtel has zoomed 4% to Rs 931. NTPC has soared 2% to Rs 159.Ranbaxy, Tata Steel and Larsen & Toubro have rallied 1.5% each to Rs 357, Rs 692 and Rs 2,410, respectively.SBI, Tata Motors, Reliance Communications, Mahindra & Mahindra and HDFC are up around 1% each to Rs 1,615, Rs 787, Rs 585, Rs 823 and Rs 1,975, respectively.Satyam and Hindustan Unilever have slipped over 1% each to Rs 481 and Rs 196, respectively.ACC and Cipla have shed 1% each at Rs 1,139 and Rs 203, respectively.