The Sensex is now up 69 points at 10,871.Reliance has surged 3.4% to Rs 767.Satyam and Tata Motors have rallied 2.8% each to Rs 827 and Rs 918, respectively. Tata Power has gained 2.6% at Rs 578.Tata Steel and HDFC have advanced 2% each to Rs 468 and Rs 1,346, respectively.Ranbaxy and ITC have slipped 2% each to Rs 405 and Rs 172, respectively.NTPC and Wipro have dropped over 1% each to Rs 136 and Rs 518, respectively.Reliance Communication Ventures (RCoVL) continues to top the value chart with a turnover of Rs 254 crore followed by Indotech (Rs 212 crore), Prathiba (Rs 157.49 crore), Reliance (Rs 127.63 crore) and Reliance Capital (Rs 102.47 crore).Reliance Capital Ventures leads the volume chart with trades of around 3.21 crore shares followed by Reliance Energy Ventures (1.38 crore), Indotech (1 crore), Prathiba (88.78 lakh) and RCoVL (77 lakh).