The Sensex opened with a marginal positive gap of seven points at 9318. Fresh buying in the early deals has seen the index zoom to a high of 9392.The index is now up 69 points at 9380.Reliance on its last day of trading as a merger entity has spurted to a high of Rs 893, and is now up 1.7% to Rs 888.HDFC has moved up 1.5% to Rs 1,187.Satyam at Rs 737, ICICI Bank at Rs 581 and TCS at Rs 1,629 have also gained over 1% each.HLL, Ranbaxy, Dr.Reddy's, HDFC Bank, Tata Power, Bharti Tele, Reliance Energy and Gujarat Ambuja are the other notable gainers.ONGC at Rs 1,219 and Larsen & Toubro at Rs 1,838 are trading lower.