The Sensex is now up 70 points at 13,432.HLL and Wipro have surged over 3% each to Rs 215 and Rs 610, respectively.NTPC and Maruti have advanced over 2% each to Rs 136 and Rs 899, respectively.Satyam, Bharti Airtel, ITC, Hindalco and Gujarat Ambuja have gained around 1.7% each at Rs 473, Rs 624, Rs 166, Rs 168 and Rs 139, respectively.Reliance Communications, ACC, TCS, Ranbaxy and Dr.Reddy's are the other major gainers.Infosys has slipped 2% to Rs 2,125, and Grasim has dropped 1% to Rs 2,756.Out of 2,596 stocks advanced, 1,545 have advanced, 983 have declined and 68 are unchanged.