The Sensex is now up 72 points at 12,425.HDFC has rallied 2.6% to Rs 1,478.TCS has advanced 2% to Rs 1,066. Infosys has gained 1.6% at Rs 2,013, and Wipro has added 1.4% to Rs 536. Satyam is up 1.2% at Rs 420.Reliance, Maruti, Tata Motors, Reliance Communications, Reliance Energy, Grasim and Tata Steel are up over 1% each.HLL has slipped 1% to Rs 233. HDFC Bank, Bharti Airtel and ITC are the other notable losers.Out of 2,435 stocks traded so far, 1,295 have advanced, 1,076 have advanced and the rest are unchanged.