The Sensex has moved back to higher levels. The index is now up 72 points at 10,932.Wipro has surged over 4% to Rs 542. Infosys has rallied 2.5% to Rs 2,948, and TCS is up over 2% to Rs 1,899.Grasim has moved up 2.4% to Rs 1,970. Hindalco has advanced nearly 2% to Rs 162.Hero Honda, Dr.Reddy's, Cipla, ITC and Tata Steel are the other prominent gainers among the Sensex stocks.Bajaj Auto and Larsen & Toubro are the only notable losers among the Sensex stocks.The market breath is negative. Out of 2,570 stocks traded so far, 1,392 have declined, 1,105 have advanced and 73 are unchanged.Pratibha tops the value chart with a turnover of Rs 170.84 crore followed by Zee (Rs 122.87 crore), BL Kashyap (Rs 94.47 crore), Indotech (Rs 70.89 crore) and Reliance (Rs 55.66 crore).Reliance Natural Resources leads the volume chart with trades of around 90 lakh shares followed by Pratibha (74 lakh), Zee (49.50 lakh), SAIL (39.15 lakh) and Reliance Capital Ventures (35.86 lakh).