The Sensex is now up 78 points at 18,126.The Nifty is up 19 points at 5,296.Bajaj Auto has zoomed 6.5% to Rs 2,342. ACC has soared 5% to Rs 794, and Ranbaxy has surged 4.5% to Rs 414.Hindustan Unilever has rallied 3% to Rs 223. TCS and Grasim have moved up 2.3% each to Rs 871 and Rs 2,850, respectively.Cipla has gained 1.7% at Rs 188. ICICI Bank and Larsen & Toubro are up around 1.5% each at Rs 1,226 and Rs 3,557, respectively.Reliance Energy and Hindalco have slipped over 3% each to Rs 1,643 and Rs 178, respectively.ITC and HDFC have dropped nearly 2% each to Rs 206 and Rs 2,851, respectively.Satyam is down over 1% at Rs 421.Out of 2,789 stocks traded so far, 1,561 have advanced, 1,162 have declined and 66 are unchanged.