The Sensex is now up 79 points 14,312.ICICI Bank has advanced 2.4% to Rs 985. Tata Motors and Dr.Reddy's have rallied 2% each to Rs 776 and Rs 726, respectively. Larsen & Toubro, HLL, BHEL and SBI are up around 1% each at Rs 1,712, Rs 214, Rs 2,518 and Rs 1,150, respectively.Hero Honda has tumbled 2.5% to Rs 670. Gujarat Ambuja, HDFC and Satyam have slipped around 1.5% each to Rs 119, Rs 1,727 and Rs 460, respectively. Tata Steel is down over 1% at Rs 565.Out of 2,422 stocks traded so far, 1,261 have declined, 1,087 have advanced and 74 are unchanged.