The Sensex is now up 80 points at 14,484.Reliance Communications has soared nearly 5% to Rs 514, and Bharti Airtel has surged 1.8% to Rs 785.Reliance Energy has flared up 2.6% to Rs 548. Hero Honda, Maruti and Bajaj Auto have moved up around 1.5% each to Rs 727, Rs 959 and Rs 2,820, respectively.Reliance and SBI are up 1% each at Rs 1,385 and Rs 1,192, respectively.Hindalco has shed 3% to Rs 178. HDFC Bank and Wipro have dropped 1.3% each to Rs 1,090 and Rs 635, respectively.Out of 2,672 stocks traded so far, 1,574 have advanced, 1,028 have declined and 70 are unchanged.