The Sensex is now up 80 points 14,298.Tata Motors and ICICI Bank have rallied over 3% each to Rs 783 and Rs 992, respectively. Dr.Reddy's has surged 2% to Rs 725. SBI, Bharti Airtel, BHEL, Reliance, HLL and Wipro are up around 1% each at Rs 1,153, Rs 873, Rs 2,520, Rs 1,616, Rs 213 and Rs 561, respectively.HDFC, Gujarat Ambuja, Tata Steel and Hero Honda are down around 1% each to Rs 1,730, Rs 119, Rs 565 and Rs 680, respectively.Out of 2,300 stocks traded so far, 1,147 have advanced, 1,083 have declined and 70 are unchanged.