The Sensex is now up 83 points at 15,047.Reliance Energy has soared 2.8% to Rs 615, and ONGC has surged nearly 2% to Rs 896.Larsen & Toubro and BHEL have gained 1.7% each at Rs 2,406 and Rs 1,582, respectively.HDFC has advanced 1.5% to Rs 1,945. Infosys and NTPC have added 1.3% each to Rs 1,999 and Rs 158, respectively.Tata Motors, Wipro and Bharti Airtel are up 1% each at Rs 718, Rs 525 and Rs 875, respectively.Hindustan Unilever has shed 1.5% to Rs 197. ICICI Bank has slipped over 1% to Rs 970.Out of 2,626 stocks traded so far, 1,675 have advanced, 874 have declined and 77 are unchanged.