The Sensex is now up 92 points at 10,709.BHEL has gained 3% at Rs 1,916. ONGC and Dr.Reddy's are up nearly 3% each at Rs 1,170 and Rs 1,359, respectively.Grasim, Wipro and NTPC have added 2.5% each to Rs 2,078, Rs 488 and Rs 114, respectively.Maruti, HDFC, HLL and Cipla are up over 2% each at Rs 782, Rs 1,157, Rs 246 and Rs 232, respectively.SBI and Reliance Communications have slipped over 2% each to Rs 744 and Rs 255, respectively.Out of 2,273 stocks traded so far, 1,450 have advanced, 752 have declined and the rest are unchanged.