The Sensex is now up 93 points at 14,150.Tata Steel has surged nearly 4% to Rs 485, and HDFC Bank has advanced 3.4% to Rs 1,099.Gujarat Ambuja, Ranbaxy and Reliance have gained around 2% each at Rs 144, Rs 430 and Rs 1,367, respectively. Reliance Energy, Larsen & Toubro and ACC have moved up around 1.5% each to Rs 533, Rs 1,490 and Rs 1,085, respectively.Satyam and Cipla are up 1.3% each at Rs 502 and Rs 258, respectively.Maruti, Hero Honda and BHEL are down 1% each to Rs 912, Rs 736 and Rs 1,320, respectively.Out of 2,701 stocks traded so far, 1,815 have advanced, 841 have declined and the rest are unchanged.