The Sensex is now up 186 points at 12,038.Hindalco has surged 4.5% to Rs 223. Tata Steel has spurted over 2% to Rs 648.Grasim has soared 3.4% to Rs 2,431. Gujarat Ambuja has advanced over 2% to Rs 119, and ACC is up 1.6% at Rs 967.SBI has moved up 2.5% to Rs 904. Cipla and Satyam are up over 2% each at Rs 259 and Rs 765, respectively.Reliance has gained nearly 2% at Rs 1,027.Out of 1,700 stocks traded so far, 1,359 have advanced, 298 have declined and 43 are unchanged.MICO has zoomed over 11% to Rs 3,402. Cadila Healthcare has rallied 10.4% to Rs 785. GMDC, Sterlite Optical, Bombay Dyeing, Container Corporation, ICI India, Century Textiles, GE Shipping and Finolex Industries are the other major gainers.National Fertilisers has declined 2% to Rs 45. BEML, Proctor & Gamble and GTL are the other porminent losers.