Unabated buying across-the-board towards the closing hours of the trading session has seen the Sensex breach the 7,400-mark to touch a new all-time high of 7,411. The Sensex is now up 105 points at 7,409, while the Nifty has jumped 33 points to 2,263.Advances continue to lead against declines on the BSE. While 1,813 stocks have advanced, 695 have delined and 55 have remained unchanged.Reliance has gained 1.47% (Rs 10) to Rs 689, while ONGC is up 1.66% (Rs 15) to Rs 933. ITC (up Rs 10 to Rs 1,644) has shed some gains due to profit-taking.ICICI Bank has gained 3.12% (Rs 14) to Rs 452. While SBI has moved up 1.38% (Rs 10) to Rs 719, HDFC Bank is up a per cent (Rs 5) at Rs 647, after recent losses.Satyam has flared up 3% (Rs 15) to Rs 527. While Infosys has inched up by a per cent (Rs 24) to Rs 2,234, TCS and Wipro are trading marginally higher at Rs 1,291 and Rs 714, respectively.BHEL has scaled up 4.42% (Rs 42) to Rs 982, and Bharti has shot up 4% (Rs 10) to Rs 264. Tisco has advanced 2.37% (Rs 9) to Rs 378.Ranbaxy has lost a per cent (Rs 6) to Rs 1,040, while Dr. Reddy's and Cipla are up a per cent each at Rs 766 and Rs 335, respectively.