US indices reported another strong performance on Monday, with the Nasdaq flaring up for the sixth session in a row. While the Dow Jones advanced 52 points to 1,0524, the Nasdaq gained 10 points to close at 2,057.Indian floats had a mixed outing yesterday. Infosys, riding high on its successfull sponsored ADR, jumped 3.62% to $68.75. While Wipro gained 1.85% to $19.82, Satyam was up a per cent at $24.11.VSNL and MTNL, too, finished in the green at $9.55 and $6.40, respectively. HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Dr. Reddy's and Tata Motors, however, ended weak at $42.74, $19.57, $15.80 and $9.90, respectively.