SKF gained over eight per cent last week to close at Rs 311.25 after the company's robust fourth-quarter results. The company's net profit jumped 210 per cent during the quarter ended December 2006 to Rs 31.73 crore from Rs 10.25 crore in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Total income increased 49 per cent from Rs 256.47 crore to Rs 381.66 crore. |
For the year ended December 2006, the company has posted 59 per cent rise in net profit at Rs 101.96 crore (Rs 64.07 crore). Sales increased 66 per cent to Rs 1,350.83 crore. The board of the company has proposed a dividend of 45 per cent and plans to set up a new plant in Uttarkhand (Uttaranchal) to manufacture bearings. |
Headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, the SKF group is the world's leading technology and solutions provider of bearings, seals, related products, systems and services to the automotive, electrical and industrial sectors. |
The group's services also include integrated mechanical and engineering services, preventive and predictive maintenance, condition monitoring as well as training. |