Microsoft Apple IBM Intel 2. Which tech stock's 1995 IPO was a catalyst to the Internet stock explosion of the late 1990's? Yahoo Netscape AOL Amazon 3. Though it was not the first creditor, which bank forever changed the way credit was issued with it's credit card plan in 1958? Wachovia Citibank Bank of America Chase 4. Which major US oil company at one time filed for bankruptcy as the result of a suit brought against it by Pennzoil? Exxon Shell Gulf Texaco 5. One of India's big businessmen is the only grandson of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. Who is he? Nusli Wadia Habil Khorakhiwala Arvind Dubash Azim Premji 6. Who wrote the book 'Liar's Poker'? Michael Milken Michael Lewis Michael Dell Nick Leeson 7. What is the name of the first bank in the world's history? Monte Dei Paschi di Siena ING Bank Credit Suisse Group Credit Lyonnais ANSWERS 1. Intel 2. Netscape 3. Bank of America 4. Texaco 5. Nusli Wadia 6. Michael Lewis 7. Monte Dei Paschi di Siena