Warren Buffet, CEO, Berkshire Hathaway, talking about |
investing in currencies other than the dollar in Fortune |
"The LIC review came at the right time. It was time for LIC to stop the excesses. Otherwise, a few years later, it could have become a UTI." |
Ashvin Parekh, executive director, Deloitte Touche |
Tohmatsu, in Business Today |
"It's often said that if you owe the bank $1,000, you are in trouble, but if you owe it $1,000,000, the bank is in trouble. Poor nations can wreck the global economy if they were to coordinate a default on their debt." |
George Monbiot, trade theorist, |
in an editorial column in The Times of India |
"Sometimes, grabbing market share is more important than profits." |
Mark Mobius, MD, Templeton Asset Management, |
in The Economic Times |
"The productivity of a country is ultimately set by the productivity of its companies. An economy cannot be competitive unless companies operating there are competitive, whether they are domestic firms or subsidiaries of foreign companies." |
An excerpt from the World Economic |
Forum's annual report on |
Global Competitiveness |
"It is a strange truth that residents of Mumbai eat more New Zealand apples than apples from Himachal Pradesh because of the time taken to transport. Soon we may have onions and potatoes from China." |
K N Vaid, director of the National Institute of |
Construction Management and Research (Nicmar) in |
Business India |